Building the EFU and kafka
Once cmake ..
of the EFU was successful and you try to build it
via make
and get an error containing something like this
rdkafka_msgset_writer.c:(.text+0x4fb1): undefined reference to `mtx_lock'
rdkafka_msgset_writer.c:(.text+0x4ffb): undefined reference to `mtx_unlock'
rdkafka_msgset_writer.c:(.text+0x511a): undefined reference to `mtx_lock'
rdkafka_msgset_writer.c:(.text+0x516b): undefined reference to `mtx_unlock'
sudo apt install librdkafka
sudo apt install librdkafka-dev
cd ~/.conan/data
conan install librdkafka/1.6.0@ --build
cmake ..
and try to build the EFU again via make -j4
No local Kafka found (1)
When you start Kafka or check if Kafka is running (essdaq/kafka/
or essdaq/kafka/
), this error might occur:
~/essdaq/kafka ~/essdaq/kafka
./ line 7: ../config/ No such file or directory
Checking Kafka at ip address
usage: [-h] bootstrap_servers error: the following arguments are required: bootstrap_servers
checking for local kafka instance
./ line 14: netstat: command not found
No local Kafka found
file has not been created as described in the software configuration section of this document.
No local Kafak found (2)
If you get an error related to Kafka like this:
Checking Kafka at ip address
Brokers found
checking for local kafka instance
./ line 14: netstat: command not found
No local Kafka found
sudo apt install net-tools
No local Kafak found (3)
might say that No local Kafka found
, after execute
without error message.
Wait 5 seconds and check again. If Kafka is still not found, try
again, wait and check again.
Normally, Kafka should run now.
If Kafka still is not running, do the following: go to essdaq/kafka/kafka/logs/
and remove the content of the entire folder.
Then try again to start Kafka and check again.