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Legacy software

Software (required)

  • RD51 VMM slow control software (can be found here: Slow Control).
  • To use the slow control, Qt has to be installed on the computer. Version 5.12.9 was found to be working well.

Additionally the following software for data taking, data analysis and online monitoring can be used:

  • Wireshark
  • DAQ and online monitoring software from the European Spallation Source (ESS). It consists out of the Event Formation Unit (EFU) for the online cluster reconstruction and DAQuiri for the graphical representation of these clusters.
  • Tcpdump to record at high data rates: Tcpdump
  • vmm-sdat for the data analysis: vmm-sdat.

Operating system

It is highly recommended to use Ubuntu 18.04 as operating system, running on a physical machine!

Any other Linux distribution or Ubuntu version was not tested. If you want to use a different distribution, you have to test it by yourself and not rely on the help of the experts.

Trying to install the software in a virtual machine, a docker image or the WSL has been tested several times, due to the interest of the collaborators, but so far no successfully running system was set up. This means: if you decide to go down this path, the collaboration will be certainly interested in your results, but please do not expect support from the experts. They recommend to use Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on a physical machine.

It is also recommended to use gcc/g++ in version 9 and CMake in version 3.21.X. For the installation of gcc/g++ in the relevant version see the slow control repository, as this should be the starting point for any VMM3a/SRS related software installation.

Legacy software (further information)

In addition to this, it should be noted, that the VMM slow control (will be shown later on) has an integrated VMM test module. The data from the VMM tests can be stored in a data base, of which the data base browser can be found here:

Legacy software installation remarks

In the following a brief overview on the software installation procedure is given. For troubleshooting, see the troubleshooting directory.

Installation order

It should be noted that the installation order and the correct fulfillment of the needed software requirements are important. This means:

  • Do not install the software components in a different order then the one described here. You might miss some dependencies.
  • The installation procedure was only tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. If you try any other operating system or version, you might run into problems, which are not part of this documentation.
  • When you change your .bashrc file, do not forget to source it or just restart your computer.
  • It is recommended to read through the entire installation procedure AND the troubleshooting part before actually starting the installation.

Stability of software versions

It is NOT guaranteed that the version (a certain commit in a certain branch) of one software component works well with the version of another software component. With the Slow Control, vmm-sdat and tcpdump less problems are expected. The main possible error source for a "commit clash" could occur with the EFU and DAQuiri.

You might need to adjust the commit versions of the software during the installation (see in point 7 of the installation order on how to revert to certain commits). However, the following links should provide you versions that have been tested successfully on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS:

For the other components (slow control, vmm-sdat, tcpdump), you can select the latest commit version.

Legacy installation order

  1. Make sure that git and make are installed. If they are not installed, install them via
    sudo apt install git make
  2. Perform the git clone commands of the software
    git clone
    git clone
    git clone
    For essdaq, you can also use
    git clone
    Then you do not have to revert to a specific commit later on.
  3. Install cmake from the Ubuntu software centre (snap package). The installation was successfully tested with version 3.21.4 of cmake.
  4. Create an alias in the .bashrc for cmake:
    alias cmake='/snap/cmake/current/bin/cmake'
  5. The installation of the ESS DAQ requires conan, a C++ package manager. Conan itself requires Python. However, with Python2.X the installation works not correctly. Thus, remove the Python2 packages from your system via
    sudo apt remove python2*
    Add then the following alias to your .bashrc:
    alias python='python3'
    alias pip='pip3'
  6. Install the Slow Control software, following the instructions given in here. Just as a reminder: if you run into problems during the installation, please check the troubleshooting page.
  7. Before installing the ESS DAQ, make sure that you have the correct version. Please revert to a certain commit via
    git reset --hard a5cfbfe5823e74eda9bf5ed82c6e113b25537763
    inside of /home/USERNAME/essdaq/
  8. Execute the script in the essdaq folder. State yes all the time and ignore the error messages.
  9. Some parts of the ESS DAQ have not been build, so now they are being build manually. First, start with the Event Formation Unit (EFU).
    a. Go the essdaq/efu/event-formation-unit/build directory
    b. Execute cmake ..
    c. You might get some errors. All these errors can be fixed. As the error type may vary, all common ones are listed in the troubleshooting part of this documentation.
    d. After you did the troubleshooting to the corresponding error, try cmake .. in the essdaq/efu/event-formation-unit/build directory.
    e. You might run into another error. Repeat this procedure, until no errors occur anymore.
    f. Then execute make.
  10. Now continue with the DAQuiri part of the ESS DAQ. Go to essdaq/daquiri/daquiri/build and execute cmake .. and make. Follow the same procedure as for the EFU.
  11. Now install ROOT. See on how to install it. It is recommended to install the precompiled binary for Ubuntu 18.04, version 6.24/06: Do not forget to install the ROOT prequesites (already adjusted for vmm-sdat):
    sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev binutils libx11-dev libxpm-dev libxft-dev libxext-dev libssl-dev
  12. Install the cluster reconstruction software vmm-sdat. Just go in the corresponding directory, create the build-directory and just execute cmake .. and make.
  13. The installation should be successfully finished. Now continue with the set-up and configuration procedure.

Legacy configuration procedure

In the following the configuration is shown, to make the software running

  • ESS DAQ config script: follow the instructions given here (only point 1 and 2 from there).
    If you need to create your own detector category, follow also point 3 from there. Otherwise use the existing GdGEM class.
    A tested example of the system configuration script is provided here, in this folder. Please ensure to adapt the network port name (here ens8f0) and the name of the EFU calibration and EFU config files (here GDDLAB) to your needs.
  • The EFU calibration file is the one, which is generated by the calibration module of the Slow Control. Just rename it to GDDLAB_calib.json (replace GDDLAB with the name that you chose).
  • The EFU configuration file describes the detector geometry, the electronics settings and the clustering conditions for the EFU. It is also required for a correct display of the data in DAQuiri.
    An example is provided here. It shows a setup with 2 FECs and 2 detectors with x-y-strip readout with 256 strips in each direction.
    The hybrids of the first detector are connected to the FEC 1, while the hybrids of detector 2 are connected to FEC 2.
    The hybrids on FEC 1 are connected to the DVMM ports 5, 6, 7 and 8, with 5 and 6 reading out the x-plane and 7 and 8 reading out the y-plane.
    The hybrids on FEC 2 are connected to the DVMM ports 1, 2, 6 and 7, with 1 and 2 reading out the x-plane and 6 and 7 reading out the y-plane.
    !!! note "Data display in DAQuiri"

    To display the data in DAQuiri from the GdGEM module of the EFU, use the NMX profile of DAQuiri. It shows only one detector. To visualise more than one detector, increase the offset in the configuration file. In the given example, the coordinates of the second detector do not start in x = 0 and y = 0 but in x = 256 and y = 256.

Network port

The network port, where you are connecting the SRS to, should have the IP address with a netmask of and an MTU of 9000. Please ensure that you have the things set like this. It is one of the most common mistakes!